PB Francis

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Connect with PB Francis, the insightful author behind ‘Beyond The Binary Divide.’ Whether you have questions, comments, or would like to engage in discussions, feel free to reach out. 

Contact Author

Connect with PB Francis, the insightful author behind ‘Beyond The Binary Divide.’ Whether you have questions, comments, or would like to engage in discussions, feel free to reach out. Your feedback is valued, and PB looks forward to connecting with readers and fellow thinkers. Drop a message and let the conversation begin!


From gender dysphoria to de-transitioning, Beyond the Binary takes a broad, holistic look at the far-reaching impact these ideologies have on cis and transgender individuals alike, leveraging the power of their lived experiences to illustrate the dangers lurking beneath these seemingly well-intended programs.

Media Inquries

Ready to learn the true origins of the curriculum in your child’s classroom? With an extensive education background spanning nine fields of study, Francis isn’t afraid to embark on a quest to uncover the root sources behind these growing ideologies, shining a bright light on the blind spots hindering our culture’s ability to think critically.

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Your feedback is valued, and PB looks forward to connecting with readers and fellow thinkers. Drop a message and let the conversation begin!

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