PB Francis

A Message For Parents,
Policymakers, And Educators:

Right now, thousands of School Districts throughout the US and Globally are participating in an unprecedented educational event: the addition of gender identity curriculum to the K-12 landscape.

Today, author PB Francis dares to ask you to look beyond the headlines and explore the complexities of what this shift in educational ideology means for your children, our culture, and the future of society as we know it.

In this groundbreaking available in E-Book, Paperback & Hardback, Francis takes you on a journey through every facet of the gender identity debate, leaving you with an arsenal of thought-provoking questions and mind-blowing statistics that you won’t find in mainstream news publications.

Together, We Can Prepare Ourselves To Go Beyond:

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Mainstream Talking Points

You’ve been told that the modern gender identity curriculum is harmless. However, PB Francis goes a step further, breaking down the core messages that encompass these educational programs, allowing you to think critically about the reality of the impact these messages have on vulnerable minds.


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Aggressive Ideologies

From gender dysphoria to de-transitioning, Beyond the Binary takes a broad, holistic look at the far-reaching impact these ideologies have on cis and transgender individuals alike, leveraging the power of their lived experiences to illustrate the dangers lurking beneath these seemingly well-intended programs.

Long Term

Educational Blind Spots

Ready to learn the true origins of the curriculum in your child’s classroom? With an extensive education background spanning nine fields of study, Francis isn’t afraid to embark on a quest to uncover the root sources behind these growing ideologies, shining a bright light on the blind spots hindering our culture’s ability to think critically.

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Ideology Is Moving Forward…
But Where Is It Taking Us?

PB Francis invites you to look past the things you’ve been led to believe and discover the true impacts of gender identity curriculum in our communities…and there is no time to waste.

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