PB Francis

Parental Rights And A Mother’s Struggle Against Far-Leftists Agenda

Parental Rights And A Mother’s Struggle Against Far-Leftists Agenda

Being parents of young kids, you must be worried about how to navigate several political realities. Now that we all have realized the grave threat that is gender identity ideology in schools, it is natural to get worried about how to proceed from here. You must be struggling with questions such as: How to stop my children from getting influenced? How to stand against the far-left ideologues? When and how to take legal action? And so on.

It is in such circumstances that we find ourselves inspired by stories of brave parents who refuse to give up in this horrendous fight that’s been imposed upon us. They say the fiercest fight one can ever fight is the one ensued by a mother when she senses her kidlings in danger. Mothers are known for their devotion and it’s this unwavering devotion of moving mountains for their kids that brings us any hope. One such is the case of Tammy Fournier from Wisconsin.

Forced Gender Affirmation

You may have heard about the controversies surrounding Gender Affirming Care being pushed in schools across the country. Well, let me tell you about what happened in the Kettle Moraine School District, just outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It’s a story that shook many parents and sparked debates about children’s rights and parental consent. Despite state and national laws, the school took matters into its own hands, with far-left individuals supporting them. They crossed lines, going against the constitution and allowing the forced transition of children, all without their parents’ consent. Tammy Fournier’s daughter was one of the kids who fell in this trap.

Of course, it started with the same course: a young and depressed child suffering with anxiety and struggling with identity. The 12-year-old was steered into believing that she was in the wrong body and wanted to pursue her transition as a boy. God bless her parents who stepped right in time.

The Legal Battle Against Forced Gender Identity

Tammy Fournier with the support of her husband filed a lawsuit against the Kettle Moraine School District. Her claim: gender transition of her daughter without parental consent. The parents withdrew their daughter from the school upon suspecting her forced transition to bring a “boy”. Later, it was discovered that her case was nothing but gender dysphoria. We know from experience that such attempts are result of a far-leftist political agenda in place.

Parents love their children but not all parents are willing to take things to such extent to protect their kids. The Fourniers have set the bar to a whole new level.

The Verdict in Favor of Parental Rights

The battle that started in 2021, came to its finale in 2023 when judge Michael Maxwell ruled in favor of parental consent and involvement. This was another win in favor of people who stand against forced transition of kids under the pretext of gender identity education.

You would think that something that should be ingrained in common sense is causing so much trouble in the world. The lesson learned: common sense is not so common after all. In a world where people fight wars just to prove their point and kill millions, this should not be surprising. Children are deliberately targeted with a planned scheme. The consequences of this scheme are anything but benevolent to our future generations where their minds are constantly brainwashed into believing false narratives.

It’s high time that we follow in the footsteps of brave parents such as the Fourniers and let them guide our way.

If you want to learn more about the effects of gender identity education taught to our children in schools, don’t forget to read my book. Order now from Amazon or Ingram.

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Beyond the Binary Divide

Why gender identity curriculum taught to our children in schools is dangerous.

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