PB Francis

Gender Identity Dialogue: Difference Among Kids and Adults

Gender Identity Dialogue: Difference Among Kids and Adults

As an author of a book surrounding gender identity and its implications on kids, I am subject to confrontations every day. People accuse me of being an enemy of kids, or someone who wants to spread hate in the world. It has become increasingly important to address the main difference of how gender identity education and its indoctrination affect kids much differently than adults.

In American states such as California, the influence of gender identity education is constantly on the rise. Here I discuss 5 ways how this ideology affects children when taught in schools.

1.   Gender Identity Warrants Complex Decisions

Who doesn’t remember being a kid? Most people find them adorable and the reason we do so is due to their sheer innocence, curiosity, and simplicity. Recalling in our heads the time when we were young (perhaps 7 or 8) brings the memory of all things simpler. To a mind so fresh and uncomplicated, the far-leftists are trying to introduce complex themes of genderism. While all such complexity may make total sense to a cultivated mind of a 20-year-old, it does not hold true for a third-grader.

2.   Children Are Incapable of Navigating Difficult Emotions

From pre-adolescence to teenage, we all learn to understand ourselves. It sounds very ironic to me that while we openly talk about how teenage is the age when people learn to navigate emotions, we never accept how concepts such as gender identity contribute to the ongoing confusion. The dangers of what kids have to face in the form of permanent surgeries and depression are known to everyone. Let’s not add to it more.

3.   Their Brains Are Not Prepared To Understand Gender Ideology

The human brain has around 100 billion brain cells on average. The interesting fact is, the brains of kids are not fully developed until they become adults and are at least in their early to mid-twenties. With a brain lacking its complete volume, far-leftist liberals expect young kids to understand, learn, and navigate through the complex gender jargon in a sea of gender pronouns. While this all may be easily understandable to an adult, it is nothing short of troubling the already vulnerable minds of little children.

4.   They Get Confused Easily

There’s a reason why we don’t teach high school calculus to kids in fifth grade: they are not intellectually ready for it. Conversations surrounding sex, gender, and emotional isolation are not for kids who have no signs of sexuality or adulthood coming up. Confusing children with a list of gender pronouns in a world where seemingly there are only two sexes adds nothing but more confusion to their vulnerable minds. This carries the risk of children losing interest or misidentifying with something that doesn’t exist in the first place!

5.   Gender Identity and Threat of Sexual Abuse

The main idea of gender identity revolves around possessing the genitals of a certain sex but identifying as the opposite. Try saying this to a child whom we teach to be safe from predators. By letting hold of gender ideology in elementary level schools, we put young boys and especially girls at the risk of a predator. Let’s remind ourselves that this is not a fictional tale but has happened numerous times (details in my book).

Associating with a certain “gender” or identifying as one may be okay for adults who have an equipped brain to make such decisions, but it is not acceptable for little kids. By imposing this ideology in schools and exposing young children to the notions of multi-genderism, we are opening doors to several threats. Let’s all be aware of what’s happening in our schools as a concerted effort and save our kids from the numerous dangers of far-left Democrats’ agenda.

If you want to learn more in detail, don’t forget to read my book where I discuss the dangers of the gender identity curriculum taught to kids in schools.

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Beyond the Binary Divide

Why gender identity curriculum taught to our children in schools is dangerous.

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