PB Francis


This space is dedicated to sharing not just thoughts and insights, but also a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a writer deeply engaged with some of the most pressing issues of our time.

The Shocking Truth Behind Transgender Advocacy

The Shocking Truth Behind Transgender Advocacy In a world where ultimate transparency is usually shrouded in mystery, the latest investigation has just torn off the cover to expose the inner workings of a major transgender advocacy organization. The documents, which were released by Environmental Progress entities, reveal the story of the ethical boundaries and false scientific support within the World

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Longitudinal Data vs Medical Associations on Childhood Gender Dysphoria

Longitudinal Data vs Medical Associations on Childhood Gender Dysphoria The dispute over childhood gender dysphoria is definitely not just a simple issue of perspective. It covers a complex terrain shaping diverse perspectives and opinions to influence public discourse and policy decisions. Recently, research from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands unveiled longitudinal data spanning 15 years, suggesting a noteworthy

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Parental Rights And A Mother’s Struggle Against Far-Leftists Agenda

Parental Rights And A Mother’s Struggle Against Far-Leftists Agenda Being parents of young kids, you must be worried about how to navigate several political realities. Now that we all have realized the grave threat that is gender identity ideology in schools, it is natural to get worried about how to proceed from here. You must be struggling with questions such

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Gender Identity Dialogue: Difference Among Kids and Adults

Gender Identity Dialogue: Difference Among Kids and Adults As an author of a book surrounding gender identity and its implications on kids, I am subject to confrontations every day. People accuse me of being an enemy of kids, or someone who wants to spread hate in the world. It has become increasingly important to address the main difference of how

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