PB Francis

About The Author

“A first-class system of early childhood education is the hallmark of a caring and civilized society…”

PB Francis is a serial entrepreneur of the past 4 decades who was born and raised in the American Midwest, attended colleges both of the East Coast and Midwest and gained a BA in Psychology. His business interests spanned 9 disparate industries, with a specialty in finding solutions for industry’s that were hemorrhaging revenue.

Moving to the West Coast, PB took on a role in an Elementary school as there was the need for a 5th-grade teacher. 

It was here that he experienced how impressionable children were, becoming a mentor to many who didn’t have a father figure in their lives. Later, he returned to the entrepreneurial world and it wasn’t until after this that he became aware of the insidious indoctrination of children being taught about Gender Identity.

Driven to redress the balance, PB decided to write his first book, Beyond the Binary Divide, which provides a critical view of the way Gender Identity is taught in schools and presents a direct challenge to this indoctrination of children whose brains have not yet fully developed.

In the future, PB intends to continue to stand against extreme radical ideologies and believes that this first book will go a long way to providing the balance needed.

...and it all starts here.

School board image with so many people sitting over it

Student Advocate

Beyond the binary divide logo with a white color background

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