PB Francis

Saving School Going Kids from Permanent Surgeries

Saving School Going Kids from Permanent Surgeries

In today’s world, kids are exposed to a lot of different ideas, and sometimes, they can be confusing or even harmful. We’re seeing these ideas popping up in places like the internet, movies, and even in schools. It’s worrying for parents because even really young kids, as young as 3 years old, can be affected. But don’t worry, there are things we can do to help keep our kids safe from these harmful ideas. Here are four simple ways:

  1. Talk About Bodies:
    Start by talking to your kids about their bodies and how boys and girls are different. If you’re religious, you can talk about it from that perspective too, because most major religions believe in the idea of two genders. Let your children be aware and confident in their bodies so they don’t fall prey to the ideologues of gender ideology.
  2. Explain Politics (in a Simple Way):
    Politics can be tricky, but you can help your kids understand by talking about it in a simple way. You can tell them that some people have different ideas about boys and girls, but not everyone agrees with those ideas. They should also understand that gender identity is a political idea and is favored by a select few.
  3. Share Stories of Other Kids:
    Sometimes, stories can help kids understand things better. You can share stories about people such as Chloe Cole and others who fell prey to the ideologies of far-left politics. These stories can show your child that going under knife is an extremely dangerous thing to do for young kids. If they do end up deciding to change their bodies, it should in an age when they are old enough to make sound decisions.
  4. Be There for Them:
    The most important thing you can do is be there for your child. Kids can be easily influenced by what they see and hear, so it’s important for them to know they can talk to you about anything. By being there for them, you can help protect them from harmful ideas deliberately being pushed forward by far-leftists in lieu of gender identity.

By following these simple steps, you can help keep your child safe from harmful surgeries. After all, no parent wants to see their child go through something as serious as surgery when they’re still young. So, let’s work together to make sure our kids grow up healthy and happy.

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Beyond the Binary Divide

Why gender identity curriculum taught to our children in schools is dangerous.

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